I’m very excited to share that last week I was able to present the top-line results of the CogniDiet® 2016 clinical trial at the American College of Nutrition 58th conference in Alexandria, VA. We submitted an abstract and were invited to give an oral presentation.
The meeting’s theme was “Disrupting Cancer: The Role of Personalized Nutrition.” My takeaways were: vegetables (a lot of varied vegetables because they are full of fiber and nutrients) are a crucial tool for the prevention of all types of cancer, not just colon cancer. And we are talking about up to 11 cups a day! It’s also important to take your pre and probiotics, calcium and vitamin D3! The pre-biotic is in fact fiber and is necessary for healthy probiotics to flourish.
Now, what does the CogniDiet® Program have in common with cancer prevention? There is a real correlation between weight, BMI and cancer occurrence. There is mounting evidence that multi-modalities must be applied to weight loss program participants’ education, besides just nutrition and exercise, in order to provide long-term benefits and weight loss maintenance.
The abstract, titled “A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy and Mindfulness Training on Weight Loss and Metabolic Health” was well received and there were questions about the long-term weight loss maintenance which we are measuring.
Our results prove that slow and steady is the key to sustained weight loss and that you have to look at the participants from a holistic perspective. The CogniDiet® Trial was a 12-week weight loss curriculum teaching participants in small group settings to become more mindful of what they eat, using cognitive behavioral therapy, emotional brain training and mindful eating principles to help reframe their thoughts and actions when making food choices. Participants ranged in age from 41 to 74 with an average of 56 years, and with initial weights ranging from 126.5 to 269.4 lbs. We all know how hard it is to lose weight after 50. But we did it. The women in the program lost an average of 12 lbs. and a maximum of 33 lbs. in 12 weeks. Total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides were also statistically significantly down. HDL, fasting glucose and A1c did not change significantly.
We are conducting a weight parameters follow-up at 6 and 12 months. The 6-month follow-up data will be available in early 2018 and looks very promising.
Trial participants followed a curriculum that combined education about healthy foods, benefits of exercise, and the negative impact of stress on health and weight loss. Basal metabolic rate (BMR), along with general portion-control advice was shared initially. However, participants were not given a specific diet, a maximum number of daily calories, or a certain food mix such as percentages or grams of carbohydrates, fat and protein.
While our program is called CogniDiet®, I hesitate to use the word “diet”. It’s not a diet. It’s a mindset. It’s a new way of life. That’s why it’s so successful. Your mind leads body change. You are focused on yourself, not on a diet.
A book and an on line program will be launched in 2018 to help more individuals achieve weight loss. You can pre-order the book now before it goes on Amazon. You will receive a personalized copy with my autograph!
You can also reserve your spot on my online 6 to 12-week program that will start January 16, 2018. There is a webinar series + book only option but you can also add a special weekly one on one with me. Follow this link to select your option or learn more about the program: Register Now!
We were honored to present our findings alongside institutions including the University of Florida, Harvard School of Public Health, Northwestern University and other health experts. While this validates our methodology, I only have to look at participants to know my program works. The results are visible. And our participants are happy while they are on the program.
When was the last time you were happy on a diet? Come and join the 100’s of women who have achieved lasting results with us.